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Image by Drew Beamer


What does it mean to live with Optimal Integrative Health and to experience a globally healthy world? I'm not just talking about our physical well-being, but our mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual ones as well. This is Health from the inside out.  

What is Lead by Wisdom?


The mission of Lead by Wisdom is to provide vital keys to assist individuals and organizations in very unique and personal ways, to forge new life paths that inspire more positively impacting choices and healthier ways of being.  This is accomplished through personally targeted leadership training programs, one-on-one advisory sessions, collaborative multicultural educational programming and interactive heart-based seminars/retreats.  


This dynamic work is designed for individuals and organizations:

1.  To illuminate their most significant hidden visions and personal dreams that can have the most profound affect on their lives.
2.  To discover the alignment between those visions and how they might impact other people, their families, teams, countries and world systems.
3.  To
ignite specific pathways to manifest their dreams into reality with great truth and integrity, through breakthrough practices and concretely bridging the seen and unseen, intuition and logic and the head and heart.
4.  To create significant
influence personally and/or globally through customized step-by-step methods, including transformations that demonstrate greater communication and empathy (walking in another's shoes), the ability to navigate through conflict, increased discernment and effective decision-making with positive expression of our miraculous nature to influence past, present and future generations.​



Our Vision


The vision of Lead By Wisdom is to shed light on and to inspire new ways of leadership that will empower people and Nations to bridge our original dreams into more tangible positively impacting reality with abundance. 


We wish to ignite a shift from:


1.  Abusive and warring actions to co-creating

2.  Greed and poverty to generosity and sharing resources

3.  Ravaging our lands to becoming stewards of the Earth. 


Leading By Wisdom includes evoking the balanced expression of intuition and logic, being and doing, head and heart to powerfully transform world systems inside and out.  Ultimately, with divine wisdom and alignment, we help to guide people from separation to honoring the coming together of uniqueness while fostering unity.



Heart-Felt Goals


The intention of this work is to share 30+ years of the wisdom shared by leaders across the globe and experiences with people from all walks of life.  Lead By Wisdom is a business intended to provide a unique platform for leadership training that invites all of us to learn to:


Align our power with integrity and courage, enabling us to make the best decisions possible for us and for those we wish to lead (instead of making decisions that we may later regret).


Seek truth within ourselves and all around us, even areas that are hidden, to help us to stand in our divine truth, knowing when best to speak or not (to be an informed, humble, yet powerful, whistleblower, if necessary, and if that is what we are guided to do.)


Communicate in ways that people are moved and inspired by our presence and want to support our ways of being and actions/projects that we’re creating in the world.


Express ourselves with Emotional Fluency — just like any language — becoming familiar with our own emotions and how they impact others in the world, learning to actively listen to what needs to be heard (We might even be surprised at how our own vulnerability, at times, can be one of the most powerful gifts we can share with others.)


Breakthrough barriers that prevent us from evolving the extraordinary leadership capacities within us.


Identify our uniqueness versus separation, re-envisioning our purpose personally and within the whole of humanity, while learning to deeply honor the uniqueness of others and how that intersects with “All That Is” or as the wise and beautiful mentors often say, “All My Relations”.


Navigate through conflict in ways that shift the dynamic from arguments to effective dialogue, toward more peaceful engagement, improved relationships and creative productive life-affirming actions (or our hoped-for results) at home, at work or in society at large.


Compost our beliefs that once supported us, but now, no longer serve us, so that we can lead in our wholeness rather than our fragmented selves.


Create a healthy dynamic balance between being and doing, logic and intuition, playful passion and quiet contemplation, head and heart.


Reconnect with nature as one of the greatest sources of innate knowledge for humanity’s growth integrating original and new ways to Lead By Wisdom.


Influence in the most powerful of ways with our personal and collective dreams serving as guideposts to our greatest transformation from the inside out…and do it with the principle of "No Harm," learning to gather the resources, through collaboration, to inspire a new paradigm shift.


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