Surviving Near Death ExperiencesJoyce AnastasiaSep 8, 20221 min read I speak with Kelly Howe on her Podcast The Manifestation Lab about my own Near Death Experiences and how we can use these types of events to shift into our Higher Power. Listen to the end for a special reading for Parents. #NDE #NearDeathExperience #JoyceAnastasia #LeadbyWisdom #KellyHowe #TheManifestationLab I speak with Kelly Howe on her Podcast The Manifestation Lab about my own Near Death Experiences and how we can use these types of events to shift into our Higher Power. Listen to the end for a special reading for Parents. #NDE #NearDeathExperience #JoyceAnastasia #LeadbyWisdom #KellyHowe #TheManifestationLab